X1 shield ESp8266 OLED learning kit

More ill advised purchases from far eastern electronics sites, you bet. This is another collection of ESP8266 boards and shields that I acquired, on first viewing they appear to be very like the Wemos Mini board and shields but as I discovered the pinouts and size were different, so you cannot interchange boards sadly.

As you can see from the image below the collection is pretty similar to Wemos and you will also see that this is based on the previous ESP example which is similar to a D-Duino


After a bit of digging I found all of these shields on – https://github.com/lspoplove/X-project

The link above has schematics and board layout in pdf format but no gerbers to make your own that I could see which is a pity

So basically its a choice for someone starting out, you can choose the wemos mini and sgields (which you can many folks selling a complete set) or you can go down this route, me personally I will stick with the Wemos (genuine brand) as they seem to be slightly better documented with schematics, example code.

Now if someone can bring out a board with shields with some different devices that would be interesting



You can pick up a collection of these for $14, so a nice low cost economical way of getting started with the ESP8266

AliExpress.com Product – X1 shield &new NODEMCU wifi ESP8266 ESP-12F 1.3 inch OLED learning kit and X-(DHT11 2812b Battery button DHT22 Relary Buzzer…)