Wemos Mini and various shields ebook

As you may know looking at this web site we are big fans of the Wemos mini and the various shields that you can buy for this hardware. We have decided to write an ebook and publish it on the Kindle store and of course any money recieved through commision will go towards buying new modules, sensors and shields. We also want to design our own shields which this would help fund.

There will be descriptions of each chapter, code examples (which is available via a github link in the book) and expected output. Here are the contents of the ebook so you can see what we have added

Contents 2
About the ESP8266 4
The Wemos Mini and shields 5
Setting up the Arduino IDE 6
Basic examples 7
Flash an LED example 7
Basic Wifi example 8
I2Scanner example 9
Basic Webserver example 11
Read and write to the eeprom 16
ESP specific APIs 18
A look at SHA-1 20
The ticker library 21
Sampling analog data 22
Control a Wemos using an application on your PC 23
A look at SPIFFS 28
Setup your ESP8266 as an Action point 32
DHT Shield example 33
The 1 button shield 36
WS2812B RGB Shield 37
OLED Shield 40
Barometric Pressure Shield 43
TFT 2.4 Touch Shield 46
BMP180 Shield 55
DS18B20 Shield 57
PIR Shield 60
Micro SD Card Shield 62
IR Controller Shield 64
Ambient light Shield (BH1750) 67
DHT Pro Shield 69
RGB LED Shield 71
SHT30 Shield 74
TFT 1.4 Shield 76
Matrix LED Shield 84
Buzzer Shield 87
Relay Shield 90
Other Shields 91
DHT22 readings on an OLED display simple project 93
OLED shield bitcoin ticker example 96
PIR shield warning example 100
BMP180 versus SHt30 temperature comparison 101
Save sensor values to an SD card 102
Conclusion 105

We receive a percentage of the profits from Amazon which we reinvest into this site with regards domain name renewal, web site hosting and purchasing any parts we use – we don’t get any samples or freebies from any companies (but live in hope).

So please support the site by purchasing the ebook from the following links


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