ESP8266 and LCD4884 example

This LCD4884  provides a 84×48 display this LCD shield can help meet your needs. It is able to display in English, Chinese and even images, it uses the SPI interface and works Ok with a 3.3v power source

From the source code, these connections worked for me

* Connections:

* WeMos D1 Mini Nokia 5110 Description
* (ESP8266) PCD8544 LCD
* D2 (GPIO4) 0 RST Output from ESP to reset display
* D1 (GPIO5) 1 CE Output from ESP to chip select/enable display
* D6 (GPIO12) 2 DC Output from display data/command to ESP
* D7 (GPIO13) 3 Din Output from ESP SPI MOSI to display data input
* D5 (GPIO14) 4 Clk Output from ESP SPI clock
* 3V3 5 Vcc 3.3V from ESP to display
* D0 (GPIO16) 6 BL 3.3V to turn backlight on, or PWM
* G 7 Gnd Ground



You need and

There is a snag, the PCD8544 will not compile, the code below points you in the right path to get the updated source files for the library, if not Adafruit_PCD8544_Nokia_5110_LCD_library


[codesyntax lang=”cpp”]

/* Hello World
 * Display a simple message on the first line of the screen
 * Connections:
 * WeMos D1 Mini   Nokia 5110    Description
 * (ESP8266)       PCD8544 LCD
 * D2 (GPIO4)      0 RST         Output from ESP to reset display
 * D1 (GPIO5)      1 CE          Output from ESP to chip select/enable display
 * D6 (GPIO12)     2 DC          Output from display data/command to ESP
 * D7 (GPIO13)     3 Din         Output from ESP SPI MOSI to display data input
 * D5 (GPIO14)     4 Clk         Output from ESP SPI clock
 * 3V3             5 Vcc         3.3V from ESP to display
 * D0 (GPIO16)     6 BL          3.3V to turn backlight on, or PWM
 * G               7 Gnd         Ground
 * Dependencies:
 * - This pull request adds ESP8266 support:
 * -

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <SPI.h>
#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>
#include <Adafruit_PCD8544.h>

// Pins
const int8_t RST_PIN = D2;
const int8_t CE_PIN = D1;
const int8_t DC_PIN = D6;
//const int8_t DIN_PIN = D7;  // Uncomment for Software SPI
//const int8_t CLK_PIN = D5;  // Uncomment for Software SPI
const int8_t BL_PIN = D0;

// Software SPI with explicit CE pin.
// Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(CLK_PIN, DIN_PIN, DC_PIN, CE_PIN, RST_PIN);

// Software SPI with CE tied to ground. Saves a pin but other pins can't be shared with other hardware.
// Adafruit_PCD8544(int8_t CLK_PIN, int8_t DIN_PIN, int8_t DC_PIN, int8_t RST_PIN);

// Hardware SPI based on hardware controlled SCK (SCLK) and MOSI (DIN) pins. CE is still controlled by any IO pin.
// NOTE: MISO and SS will be set as an input and output respectively, so be careful sharing those pins!
Adafruit_PCD8544 display = Adafruit_PCD8544(DC_PIN, CE_PIN, RST_PIN);

void setup() {
  Serial.println("\n\nWeMos D1 Mini + Nokia 5110 PCD8544 84x48 Monochrome LCD\nUsing Adafruit_PCD8544 and Adafruit_GFX libraries\n");

  // Turn LCD backlight on
  pinMode(BL_PIN, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(BL_PIN, HIGH);

  display.setContrast(60);  // Adjust for your display
  Serial.println("Show Adafruit logo bitmap");

  // Show the Adafruit logo, which is preloaded into the buffer by their library
  // display.clearDisplay();

  display.println("Hello, world!");
  Serial.println("You should now see Hello, world! on the display");

void loop() {
