Tag: ESP8266

SHTC1 digital humidity sensor and ESP8266 example

In this article we look at another digital humidity sensor - this time its the SHTC1 and we will connect it to a Wemos...
esp8266 and bmm150

ESP8266 and BMM150 digital geomagnetic sensor example

In this article we look at a digital geomagnetic sensor - this time its the BMM150 and as usual we will connect this to...

ESP8266 and BMP388 barometric pressure sensor

In this article we look at another sensor - it is a BMP388 by Bosch Sensortec, so lets crack on and try this out...

Read and write to the eeprom on the ESP8266

Description The ESP8266 has 512 bytes of internal EEPROM, this could be useful if you need to store some settings, such as an IP address...

A look at SHA-1 and ESP8266

Description In cryptography, SHA-1 (Secure Hash Algorithm 1) is a cryptographic hash function which takes an input and produces a 160-bit (20-byte) hash value known...

ESP8266 and vibration sensor module

In this example we connect a vibration motor module to an ESP8266. This is the type of motor that you could find in a...

ESP8266 and CJMCU-1010 capacitive touch module example

In this example we look at the CJMCU-1010 module - this is based on the AT42QT101x The AT42QT101x Single Key capacitive touch controller family provides an easy...

ESP8266 and HMC5983 magnetometer example

The Honeywell HMC5983 is a temperature compensated three-axis integrated circuit magnetometer. This surface-mount, multi-chip module is designed for low-field magnetic sensing for applications such...

ESP8266 and MMA8452 accelerometer example

In this example we will connect a MMA8452Q accelerometer  to an ESP8266 - as usual it's a Wemos Mini Lets look at the sensor The MMA8452Q is a...

ESP8266 and PIR example in Micropython

In this example we look at a PIR example in Micropython for an ESP8266. Once again we use uPyCraft and again we use Wemos...

ESP8266 and DS18B20 sensor and MIcropython example

In this example we look at a DS18b20 example in Micropython for an ESP8266. Once again we use uPyCraft and again we use Wemos...

Wemos Mini and various shields ebook

As you may know looking at this web site we are big fans of the Wemos mini and the various shields that you can...

Wemos and DHT11 example in Micropython

In this example we look at a DHT11 example in Micropython for an ESP8266. Once again we use uPyCraft and again we use Wemos...

ESP8266 and OLED Micropython example

In this example we show an example written in Micropython using the uPycraft IDE. This time we will be trying out the Wemos OLED...

PCA9685 LED controller and ESP8266 example

In this example we connect a PCA9685 LED controller to an ESP8266 The PCA9685 is an I²C-bus controlled 16-channel LED controller optimized for Red/Green/Blue/Amber (RGBA)...

TMP102 digital sensor and ESP8266 example

In this article we look at the TMP102 digital sensor and we will connect it up to an ESP8266 The TMP102 device is a digital...