Logging DHT11 data to an SD card
This is another simple project using a Wemos MIni and a couple of shields. This time we will connect a DHT11 shield and an...
Wemos OLED temperature project
This example will take the previous Wemos OLED shield example and make something slightly more useful with it. In this case we used a DHT11 shield...
Wemos OLED shield example
In this example we look at another terrific little low cost shield for the Wemos mini, this time its the OLED shield. Lets look...
Some Neopixel examples
This example takes the Wemos Mini Ws2812B example a bit further on and use an 8 LED Neopixel strip
Here is an image of the strip we...
Wemos Mini Ws2812B example
In this example we connect a Wemos Ws2812B RGB shield to a Wemos mini, we will then loop through red, green and blue colors
Wemos and TMP36 example
The TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37 are low voltage, precision centigrade temperature sensors. They provide a voltage output that is linearly proportional to the Celsius...
Stripboard breakouts for your boards
As I mentioned in the post at http://www.esp8266learning.com/nodemcu-v2-lua-based-esp8266-development-kit.php I liked the NodeMCU board but would have preferred if the headers had not been soldered rather than...
NodeMCU v2 – Lua based ESP8266 development kit
I recently bought one of the NodeMCU v2 - Lua based ESP8266 development kit, here we will take a look at it
The Development Kit based...
Wemos and L9110 Fan module example
In this example we connect an Arduino to a L9110 fan module.
The L9110 is anASIC device control and drive motor design two-channel push-pull power...
ESp8266 and force sensitive resistor example
A force-sensing resistor is a material whose resistance changes when a force or pressure is applied.
Force-sensing resistors consist of a conductive polymer, which changes...
Wemos and reed switch example
The reed switch is an electrical switch operated by an applied magnetic field. It consists of a pair of contacts on ferrous metal reeds...
IR Line tracking sensor example
This is another example using a sensor from the 37 sensor kit, this time we use the one called the KY-033 Hunt sensor module,...
Connecting a basic Touch sensor
This example shows how to interface a basic touch sensor to our Wemos Mini (esp8266), this sensor came as part of a kit of...
Interfacing an AD keypad module to your Wemos
I purchased this module as part of a microcontroller kit, its an interesting little module as it has 16 buttons but with only 1 I/O...
TM1637 7 segment display example
A common display module that you can buy on the internet contain the Tm1638 driver chip, I was interested in this one which is the...
TSL2561 Luminosity Sensor example
The TSL2560 and TSL2561 are second-generation ambient light sensor devices. Each contains two integrating analog-to-digital converters (ADC) that integrate currents from two photodiodes. Integration...